For 30 years, US Martial Arts Academy, Ltd has participated in St. Vincent Villa’s (formerly known as Villa Maria and St. Vincent De Paul until they merged) Season of Wonder Holiday Gift Drive. St. Vincent’s Villa provides mental and physical support services to the children of Baltimore. Services can include full time housing, education either at the campus or as part of a service in addition to the public or private schools, and psychological or social services. We have begun our gift drive to provide holiday gifts for these children.

US Martial Arts Academy, Ltd gift drive for St. Vincent's Villa holiday gift ideas for the 2022 Season of Wonder in Cockeysville, Maryland

The new, unwrapped gifts usually cost about $20-$25. Gifts donated by USMALtd families will be due back to the school by Saturday, December 3, 2022. An email was sent to the students or their parents with the signup spreadsheet link, and detailed donation information.

If you would like to take advantage of the early Black Friday sales, these items pictured above would be examples of the gifts requested.

If you have any questions, please call or email the school.